Box and bottle of Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9%

How does Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% work?

Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9%’s active compound, spinosad, kills scabies mites where they live, eat, and breed on the outermost layer of the skin, before flaking off naturally.1,16

Drug delivery and absorption of scabies treatment active ingredients

Diagram showing Spinosad effect vesus other mainstream medications
*Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% (spinosad) Topical Suspension 0.9%, Permethrin 5% and Lindane 1% Lotion are FDA-approved scabicides.
**Oral and Topical Ivermectin drug products are not FDA-approved scabicides (Off-Label Use).

Applying Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9%.1

Watch this video or follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Watch a clinician demonstrate the proper application technique.
  • Shake the Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% bottle well before use.
  • Apply enough Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% to completely cover your body from the neck to the soles of your feet, including the folds of the skin, between fingers and toes, and under fingernails and toenails.
  • If you are balding, apply Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% to the scalp, hairline, temples, and forehead.
  • Allow Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% to soak into the skin and dry for 10 minutes. Use a clock or timer after the body is completely covered with Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9%.
  • After 10 minutes, you can get dressed.
  • Leave Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% on the skin for at least 6 hours before showering or bathing.
  • Children will need an adult to apply Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% for them.
  • Wash your hands after applying Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% to someone else.
Box and bottle of Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9%
Note: You may need help applying Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% to ensure full coverage. If you do not completely cover your body with Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9%, some scabies mites may escape treatment.

Additional treatment management for scabies.

Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% starts killing scabies mites right away, but you may still experience itching for a few weeks. Your doctor may recommend the use of an antihistamine and/or short-acting corticosteroid to minimize this type of symptom.15

Ask your doctor about Spinosad Topical Suspension 0.9% today!